Starting the School Year Right

Should I Still Take the SAT or ACT?
August 2, 2021
Math Tutor Playa Vista Ca Los Angeles CA
Saying Goodbye to Test Anxiety
March 4, 2022
Should I Still Take the SAT or ACT?
August 2, 2021
Math Tutor Playa Vista Ca Los Angeles CA
Saying Goodbye to Test Anxiety
March 4, 2022

The upcoming school year may be a bit unclear to all of us at the moment, but regardless of the format – online, in-person or a combination of both, there are things students can do to start the year off strong.  Most agree that the way something is started often determines the path of how something will go!

Connect with Friends

Having a healthy social network, be it small or large, is important for students.  If attending a new school, taking advantage of events or sports to meet other students can be helpful.  If learning ends up being primarily online, there are often Zoom groups that students can participate in.  Setting up days of the week to meet with friends can replace the in-school experience.  Some of the safer ways to do this can be through playing outdoor sports, planning a beach day or perhaps a backyard movie night.


Summer break is a long time to be away from school and all the concepts that were learned in the last year.  A bit of review before school starts can help boost confidence and contribute to students’ ability to succeed in their class from the get-go.  Summer math packets that review the previous grade, or syncing up with a tutor, are great ways to refresh the memory.

Meet the New Teacher

There is often anxiety around having a new teacher, sometimes for both students and parents.  It’s great to take advantage of things like Back-to-School Night or office hours.  Many teachers also welcome emails or Zoom calls as an additional way to interact.  By meeting, personalities become more clear, as well as expectations or ways of teaching.  Meeting can really allow a student to mentally prepare for the upcoming year, as well as calm anxiety associated with the unknown.

Keep Expectations High

The new learning environment and expectations due to Covid vary from school to school.  Some have been more lenient on students and others have had their students push on, trying to maintain the usual teaching level.  The problem with expecting less is that students fall further behind or struggle later, including when in college.  If you find your child’s school is not providing the academic stimulation you’re hoping for, sessions with a tutor to supplement their education can be beneficial.  Experienced tutors know the proper level for students’ classes or grade level.

Seek Help Sooner Rather than Later

Most students will hit a stumbling block somewhere in their academic career.  Some are good at letting parents know they’d like help and others may not express it, making it apparent only once grades start coming in.  Some ways to help students that are resistant to receiving help…

  • Having someone assist who they can relate to – a tutor of college age or one with similar interests often allows students to feel more comfortable
  • Approach the subject of receiving help calmly, reminding them that everyone needs help sometimes
  • A reward system or incentive for improved grades

The start of a new school year can be an opportunity to improve in many ways.  Whether it be remotely or in-person, each student can maximize their academic potential and excitement for learning by trying some of these ideas!